I got engaged! 💍
Just kidding. :) I did buy myself a promise ring from the engagement ring section though. 😂
My promise to myself
In February 2024, after attending a friend’s engagement party and chatting with another couple of friends about their promise rings and the one that friend initially bought for herself, I made the decision to buy myself a promise ring. I thought it important that the first promise to be made and symbolized in a ring that would be put on my body should be one that I made to myself.
Inscribed on the inside of my ring is the name and word, Grace. It means so much to me so I defined it in great detail below. In its simplest form the promise I made to myself is to give myself grace. It also means keeping my maternal grandma’s legacy alive within me. And it means being gentle, loving expansively, being considerate, choosing to radiate positivity, being respectful, and being patient – all to myself first, and to others. Finally, it means I have the spaciousness to mess up on any one of those things and know that it is both okay, and, I will get back on track in due time.
proper noun
my maternal grandma, Grace Barnes. my rock, my diamond. my art and cooking teacher. my favorite Taurus. my reason for loving walks, nature, and indoor plants. a southern belle. our family’s glue. May 11, 1940 - December 22, 2018.
simple elegance or refinement of movement.
courteous goodwill; an attractively polite manner of behaving.
(in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
a short prayer of thanks said before or after a meal.
do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence.
To celebrate this promise I made to myself, I took a series of photos with my ring. Enjoy the resulting photos!